View from La Playa 3; What is now abundantly clear, if it wasn't already, is that Wenger is of the opinion that there is nothing wrong with the state of the Arsenal.  What else can explain the fact that with just over 24 hours until the season starts he has not bought in those players needed to correct the unarguable faults from last season? The Fabregas/Nasri situation, whatever the eventual outcome, is an embarrassment and the retention of those awful squad members that everyone recognises as being far short of the required quality is nothing short of scandalous.  Obviously Wenger believes that he is right about all of his pronouncements. He doesn't see the need to make changes in those fragile key areas. He has bought in inexperience/potential for the umpteenth time as opposed to experience. This indicates that Wenger is too stubborn and is immune from accountability as long as the books balance.  Expect nothing from this season that we haven't already had; that being nothing. 


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