"and that's that"

It's over, the season that is, put out of it's misery for another year and Sky Sports had their Super Sunday planned: The Mancunian battle for the Champions League, but sadly external events put paid to that, so it was the Emirates and St James' Park where the real drama happened; ten goals across two games and the media predicted end of St Totteringham's day had to wait another year. Yes it's been 21 years since that lot finished above the Arsenal.

I'm not one for viewing supremacy/bragging rights over our North London neighbours as some sort of triumphant vindication but you know what? it was bloody funny, hysterical even, that after such ballyhoo, hoopla and talk of power shifts Sp*rs metaphorically pierced their foot on a spike. Cometh the hour cometh the capitulation. let's get this in context: the self proclaimed best Sp*rs team since sliced bread lost 5-1 on a day when all they needed was a draw to clinch second place. Now if that isn't funny I don't know what is.

So for today I've put my frustration, cynicism, ennui and discombobulation to one side to enjoy ,as only a Football supporter can, the humiliation of the rivals, the pure chucklesome joy of schadenfreude. 

The future can wait, for now it's a smile as the strains of "it's happened again, it's happened again..." fill the Islington air.


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